Mark Baigent - O B O E
Chamber Music
Turn of 20th century
Mark Baigent playing Loree oboe (1901)

'for Joyance'
"A deliciously singing tone...assured deft handling of the oboes range range from extreme heights to beautifully rounded low notes."
Australian Double Reed Society
"Baigent captures the musical character of Boughton's music perfectly, playing with a beautiful sound and many insightful nuances"
George Caird
"Truly an inspiration to both players and listeners"
International Double Reed Society
Charme du Hautbois playing Loree oboe (1901)

Mark also performs
Hamilton Harty 'Chansonette'
Alan Richardson 'Rendezvous'
on 'Oboe Classics' CD, 'The World of the Oboe'
Denner Ensemble

'The profound, the sublime....and the frivolous'
"... a disc that offers real intimacy and insight.
"These players .. seem to be playing as much for each other's pleasure as for ours."
Simon Heighes, International Record Review
"Mark Baigent's oboe playing is declamatory and soothing by turns, and Nathaniel Harrison's baroque bassoon makes the kind of sounds you'd like to bottle up and save for a rainy day."
Graham Rickson, The Arts Desk
"The ensemble is perfect..."
Johan van Veen, MusicWeb International
Pipers 3


"A superb CD ....
comprising colourful playing, homogeneity of sound, virtuosity of each player and originality of programme'
Christian Schneider, former principal oboe, Dusseldorf Symphony Orchestra.
k"Skilfully Played"
BBC Music Magazine
Gilbert Amy
Pipers 3 also appear on:
'The world of the Oboe' (Oboe Classics)
'Twists and Turns' - Music by Rob Keeley
The Harmonious Society of Tikle-Fiddle Gentlemen

"a remarkably homogeneous team and amazing soloists including the oboe of
Mark Baigent" Diapason *****
'Pepusch Concertos & Overtures for London'
Finger: 'Music for European Courts and Concerts'
The Eighteenth Century Concert Orchestra

'Passacailles and Concertos'
Orchestra Noir (Tony Wakeford)

"a synthesis of experimental and traditional... with unhealthy dollops of Edwardian dark whimsy, humor and satire....."
'What if...'
Mark also appears on Tony Wakeford's Album 'not all of me will die' track 1: non omnis moriar
Far Black Furlong

"One of the most innovative bands I've heard in quite some time"
"This is one of the most impressive releases I've heard lately"
O.S Evening of light
'Full Gathering Moon'
'The East Room'
Other Albums include:


IIcy Solstice Eye
Haidd 2

FBF Also feature on :


Stars Coppice
John barleycorn reborn
Examples of Marks Orchestral playing include:
French Baroque a392
German Baroque a415
Italian Baroque a440
Classical a430
German Romantic a438
Turn of 20th Century a440
Recorder a415

Rameau - 'Anacréon'; OAE, Hotteterre Baroque Oboe (Copy by Ponseele), Oboe 1 a392

Handel - 'Heroes & Heroines', The Sixteen / Connoley; Denner Baroque Oboe (Copy by Hasegawa). Oboe 1 a415

'Vivaldi x2'; La Serenissima, Anciuti Baroque Oboe (Copy by Kube), Oboe 2 a440

Mozart - 'Missa Solemnis'; St Pauls Cathedral, Grundman & Floth Oboe (Copy by Bernardini), Oboe 1 a430

Brahms - 'Serenade' no.2; Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique, Ludwig & Martinka Oboe (c.1860), Oboe 2

''I Was Glad' - Sacred Music of Stanford & Parry: VIVAT 101, Choir and Orchestra of The Kings Consort, Robert King, Loree Cor Anglais (1899) a440

Pepusch - 'Venus & Adonis': The Harmonious Soiety of Tickle Fiddle Gentlemen, Sopranino Recorder (Dolmetsch)
Mark also appears on

'Solstice' - Music of the Stones
performing on oboe, didgeridoo and overtone singing
'Telemann 12 Fantasias Study CD' - by George Caird
Musical examples include Mark's modern take on Fantasia no.8 composed during Covid Lockdown 2020.